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What is a Walis Tambo?

A walis tambo is a gadget that is used by filipinos in cleaning floors.  It is very effective in sweeping dust and dirt or any other trashes from cemented or wooden floors inside the house.  It is made up of dried stalks and flowers of grass which is locally made in philippines and actually more of these products are coming from Baguio City although it can be found as well in many different provinces.

As a Pinoy, I like to have walis tambo at home because it is always handy and easy to keep. Unlike using vacuum cleaner wherein you will have to use your electricity, using walis tambo is much environment friendly
and you are not only cleaning the floors of your house but you are also doing exercise at the same time.

One good thing I like about walis tambo is that, eventhough some of its fibers/stalks are already fallen but as long as there are still remaining fibers you can still use this for cleaning. Moreover, this kind of material is biodegradable so in short this is good for our planet earth. Promote our product, use walis tambo now.

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