Welcome to our site the “iampinoypi”. This site is all about the wonderful things the country Philippines have. We discuss here foods, travels, history, news and current affairs, technology, images, and pinoy jokes that every reader may enjoy. Our writers and researchers involved in many different experiences from culinary, trades, fashion, technology, and they even personally visited some of the beautiful tourist destinations all over the Philippines.
Notice to the reader:
Help us grow, we value your comments in our blog, and if you want to add suggestions in anything we post here, whether it is food, facts, or tourist destinations in your own province, please feel free to promote them to our site’s comments, and if it will be approved by our administrators, we will advertise your inputs to our blog.
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Our writers/researchers:

Jopol Apda – is a freelance photographer, a computer geek, IT professional, and loves to travel. He likes to visit many places to discover many cultures and to explore his best in photography.

Julie Anne Espinosa – is a Journalism graduate and loves to blog. Some of her hobbies are to cook, eat, sleep, and browse the internet. She had her culinary training from last two years and she wants to share her ideas in cooking.

Benito Lim – is an inborn artist (inherited to his father), an engineer, a basketball player and a former varsity member, he also loves to travel whenever possible, and he is the joker of the group so he wants to make his readers laugh by sharing some of his expertise on funny stuffs.