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Roasted Chicken Recipe

Kabayan, I hope you enjoyed our previous recipes here in our site, today we will add to your list the Roasted Chicken Recipe. Some of the good things about this recipe are its few ingredients and it is healthier because we need to bake the chicken and it will definitely remove some fats on the meat.

Though it will take approximately 2 hours in total preparation and cooking but of course since this recipe is cooked in oven you can still do other house chores while doing this food done at the same time.  So bring out that chicken and let us get started.  Please find below the ingredients for this recipe.

Roasted Chicken Recipe

Estimated cooking time:  Approximately 2 hours

Roasted Chicken Ingredients:
·    2 kilo dressed chicken (broiler)
·    2 cups of lemon grass (tanlad)
·    3 tablespoons of cooking oil
·    2 tablespoons of salt

Cooking Instructions:
1. Make sure the chicken is clean with no remaining small feathers and no insides.
2. Wash thoroughly and pat dry with a paper towel
3.  Rub the whole chicken with cooking oil as well as the inside cavity.
4.  Next apply salt all over, again, including the insides.
5.  Fill the cavity with lemon grass
6.  Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit
7.  Place the chicken on an oven rotisserie.
8.  If you don't have a rotisserie put the chicken on an elevated rack on a baking pan - breast side up (so the bottom of the chicken does not touch the baking pan).
9.  Bake for 1 hour or until the chicken is golden brown. When you prick between the chicken thigh and body and the juice runs clear (not bloody) the chicken is done.
10.    Serve with mashed potatoes, rice or corn on the side.
If baking at 325 degrees Fahrenheit, bake for 1 1/2 to 2 hours in the oven.

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