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Kwek-kwek (my favorite merienda)

Have you seen those little circles covered with orange-like color foods that you could see in street vendors in the Philippines?  Well those are "Kwek-kwek".  They are made from hard-boiled Quail eggs then they were coated them with a creamy-flour based mixture and deep fried.

Kwek-kwek is a delicious street food in the Philippines. Vendors would display various kinds of sauces from sour (vinegar) to a sweet-blend creamy one.  Of course the original sauce is still the best to fit in this food which is the vinegar with chopped onions, little taste of sweetness, and flavored with black pepper.

During college days, this is one of my favorite meriendas at school.  My friends and I would meet outside our campus and enjoy the Kwek-kwek which we buy from Manong Kris (the vendor).  Although kwek-kwek of course can be considered as high in cholesterol because of the egg-yolk, but we don't care that time since we are still young at heart.. hehehe... of course right moderation should be still considered.

What more can you ask for after eating Kwek-Kwek? well if you will pair it with cold sago't gulaman drink then your merienda will be already perfect.

After I decided to post this article, while I was writing this, I felt hungry... therefore, please allow me to leave you now as Kuya Bert (kwek-kwek vendor in our place) has freshly cooked Kwek-kwek, waiting for me to attack.

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  1. thanks for your good blog I love kwek kwek also when i was in college in CEU Mendiola behind the main campus there are vendors selling it and me and my girlfriends love eating it during break also ( Though the smell of the vinegar is really strong which we run in the washroom to brush our teeth after eating) : ) love those days.


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