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The Chocolate Hills in Bohol Philippines

Bohol Chocolate Hills 
Photo by NIC LAW

Do you know that Bohol is the 10th largest island of the Philippines.  At Bohol you can find this beautiful formations of hills which is naturally fascinating and we call them "Chocolate Hills".  It is the most famous tourist attraction in Bohol because of its shape which is look like a giant mole.

Most people who first see pictures of this landscape can hardly believe that these hills are not a man-made artifact.

The chocolate hills are approximately 1268 hills. They are very uniform in shape and mostly between 30 and 50 meters high. They are covered with grass, which, at the end of the dry season, turns chocolate brown. From this color, the hills derive their name.

Aside from this, Chocolate Hills also have some legends where people used to tell from generations to generations.

They say, the hills came into existence when two giants threw stones and sand at each other in a fight that lasted for days. When they were finally exhausted, they made friends and left the island, but left behind the mess they made. For the more romantically inclined is the tale of Arogo, a young and very strong giant who fell in love with an ordinary mortal girl called Aloya. After she died, the giant Arogo cried bitterly. His tears then turned into hills, as a lasting proof of his grief.

When you travel to Bohol, don't ever miss this extra-ordinary place so you could see for yourselves how beautiful they really are.

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